Monday, November 19, 2007

Khalix General

Please enter any General questions or comments here.


newby said...

What's the latest version of khalix? I think we're on 3.4.1? Is that old?

newby2 said...

are ther any other applications similar to khalix? said...

Last I checked, the most recent version was 3.4.8 or 9. They may have come out with 3.5 by now but haven't seen any official releases. You can check their website at for latest updates. said...

Applications similar to Khalix: Yes, there are a few. The main players in the BI/datawarehousing reporting package space are obviously Cognos, Hyperion and Business Objects.

There were quite a bit more players a few months ago but they were almost wholly bought up! Consequently, smaller niche products that could be said to be more on a one-to-one level with Khalix such as Adaytum and Brio are no longer independent. Adaytum is now Cognos EP (Enterprise Planning) although it is probably the most like Khalix. Some may disagree but Brio was more of a pure reporting tool like Crystal.

The difference between Khalix and these larger apps is that most of them are pure reporting tools (the definition of a data warehouse is it is a read only repository, right?) whereas Khalix can upload and pull data; that is, it allows you to read and refine your data. Business Objects and Cognos (until it purchased Adaytum and until it got Controller) could not do this. Khalix additionally, in one install, gives you Consolidation (that is, eliminations, investment in subsidiaries, etc), Forecasting, Planning/Budgeting and Reporting all in one. As mentioned, most of the other players either do not have these or have had to add-in/have separate apps for each of them such as Cognos BI (which is a reporting tool with cube making abilities) PLUS Cognos EP (for Planning/Budgeting) AND Cognos Controller (for Consolidations). Hyperion, since it bought Essbase, can do uploads and downloads of data and is a good product. One consideration is that these larger market share products generally cost prohibitively more than solution set Khalix which can very quickly be configured to any client's needs. Most of the other guys are for the most part canned apps that focus on reporting from underlying database tables.

Hope that helps! said...

Someone recently sent an email to us at which we are posting here for your information:

"If I want to be a Certified Khalix Professional ....What do I need to do???? Please Reply."

The simple answer is that you would need to go through Longview Solutions Training Program. This has changed since those of us in the business originally took it. In our day, you effectively went for three or so straight weeks of administering and coding practice at the end of which you had to get a 90 percentile or above or you did not receive the designation. If you were first in class you received the "Top Gun" honorarium and purportedly had your name placed on a plaque in the corporate office. Not sure if that ever happened or not but you did receive a Longview jacket.

Since then, they have undergone some changes and broken the curriculum into a number of component classes (such as Reporting, etc), each of which may occupy several days to a week. In order to become a CKS, you would have to complete a number of these components and pass some sort of exam process, I believe. Each component costs a certain amount obviously and are overseen by the product company Longview in order to ensure timeliness and veracity. The CKS designation is granted by Longview.

Rimpi Singh said...

Yes they have a newer version ie 3.5.2

Rimpi Singh said...

Thnaks for ur help.
But I do not find any information regarding these exams on Longview site.

ego2k said...

Is anyone migrating to khalix version 7? Is anyone currently using it? What has been your experience? said...

Good question. Those of us on the implementation side usually lag behind the latest product releases until given the time to learn OTJ.

Realistically though, upgrades are a major source of revenue, if not the largest source of revenue for product companies. This has traditionally been LV's modus operandi. So expect a few beta clients followed by a large number of upgrades. I'll try to find out more specifics.


ego2k said...

Thanks for the reply. My company plans to migrate to version 7 next year when it officially releases. I will keep you all posted my experience with both 3.5 and version 7 when we migrate. Until then if anyone on this board get some first hand experience I would appreciate any insight you can share with us.