Monday, November 19, 2007

Khalix for Windows

Please enter any Khalix for Windows-related questions or comments here.


El Salvador - Blog Online said...

Can I use Khalix on Windows Vista?

How do I migrate the information to Windows Excel 2007?

Can I do that? said...

Sorry, didn't see this one. Not sure what version of Khalix you are using or OS so I'll just say that each Khalix version has supported hardware and software prerequisites. You can find this in your supplied Khalix documnetation.

I have seen issues with Vista on certain early 3.X instances but the latest ones should work. It really is a corollary of when your version of Khalix came out vs when Windows came out as to whether it would be supported right, so you can do some logical debugging that way if you don't have access to the supplied documentation (i.e. if you are using Khalix 3.3 and are trying to use Vista, since Vista came out after 3.3, you can expect to have issues. In that case, only trial and error (and a certain amount of luck) would prove it out as you would not find this in your documentation.

Hth said...

Hi ,

I have started working as Khalix Administrator few months back.while doing switch parents change - I am getting few error like
1. Cycle detected in dimension - or Cycleing Dimension
2. Class overlap detected

Can you please explain me why this happens and what we should do to avoid it.

Thank you so much in advance

Amol.. said...

Hi Amol,

The "cycle detected in dimension" error refers to when, in Khalix for Windows, you are using the symbol hierarchy and have attempted to add a new or existing symbol to one of your dimension hierarchies that already exists in another hierarchy and would therefore violate referential integrity.

Let me give some symbol examples to illustrate few points:

You have two class tabs, Operating and Misc, let's say.

In Operating you have

|- SymPar1
| |-Child1 (under SymPar1)
|- SymPar2
|-Child2 (under SymPar2)

In Misc, you then attempt to do this:

|- SymPar1
| |-Child1 (under SymPar1)
| |-Child2 (under SymPar1)
|- SymPar2

Well, you can't do that because Child2 already exists beneath SymPar2 under the same Root symbol.

The "cycle detected" technically refers to where you have added a symbol that refers to another symbol in the hierarchy. That is, you basically just tried to add a symbol to a hierarchy where the symbol already exists or is being referenced, most likely underneath another parent.

As an example:

Operating contains:

|- SymPar1
| |-Child1 (under SymPar1)
|- SymPar2
|-Child2 (under SymPar2)

And in Misc there is an alternate hierarchy that doesn't look the same but actually references some of the same symbols somewhere:

|- SymPar3
| |-SymPar1 (under SymPar3)
| |-Child1 (under SymPar1)
|- SymPar2
|-Child2 (under SymPar2)

And you just tried to add Child1 somewhere because this is a totally different hierarchy (it's called RootPar2 after all), you only see SymPar3 and don't know Child1 has been attached under it.

The answer is to do a search on the hierarchy in which you are trying to add the symbol that error-ed out, and/or remove the problem symbol from the add list since it already exists or is being referenced.

Hope that long answer suffices. Kinda hard to illustrate in a blog window.

Unknown said...

I am trying to create a server rule and would like this to apply only to current open period. This needs to be the dynamic period. How do I do this?

Anonymous said...

Ganesh, you need to familiarize yourself with the Month-End and Year-End Rollover process. The ME rollover updates your current month setting. The YE rollover updates the year.

There should be a variable to use in your server rule that refers to the currmonth--this is used in your rollovers. For the life of me I cannot think of the name of it right now but first step is to look in your other server rules and it will probably stand out.


Unknown said...

I initially tried something like this

Which does it for all periods including history.

I then changed it to the following, based on the Month end procedure and it gives me a syntax error.

Could you let me know what the syntax should be here?

Thank you very much.


Anonymous said...

Ganesh, HTH means 'Hope That Helps' lol!

In any case, I recall BSPER is a number (like 1 or 2), so that's probably why you are getting an error. If you have access to the Khalix/Longview database, you can see what the values are in the Parameters (klxparameter?) table. I'm sorry, I do not have a system in front of me to look right now.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, to clarify, BSPER will return a number--this is the numeric value that gets updated by the Month-End Rollover. So if BSPER is 6 then the system is saying that it's in June. You want the Timeper Value, not the number.