Monday, November 19, 2007

Khalix for Excel

Please enter any Khalix for Excel-related questions or comments here.


Unknown said...

When I am using K for excel to retrive the data, i am getting the error "[Data not read]" why??

I had already enabled macros said...

Few things:

- In your Excel menu-pick under Khalix, did you verify that you are connected? Check your settings.
- Are you trying anything non-standard like going thru a VPN or anything?
- Try logging into Khalix proper and then try K4XL.
- in Excel VBA, ensure that you have added the Khalix for Excel add-ins.
- What settings do you have in Khalix - verify that you can pull data in Khalix reporting--you may be trying a data area that you do not have access to or that is locked, that does not have any data, or you may not have had K4XL access given you in Khalix group settings.


Me said...

My link to KFE was broken and now the KFCELL/KFSUBMIT formulas are not read (#NAME?). Is there anything I can do to establish the link with the existing workbook? said...

Hi skates,

You are saying that you had a K4XL workbook that you used to pull data from the database, right?

Since I am not familiar with how you setup your workbook, I will just suggest you can try re-connecting and see if you see what you need--i.e. look in your menu-picks for the Khalix tab and select Connect or evaluate your Settings if you cannot.

KFCELL and KFSUBMIT are just built-in functions that are asking you what cells to pull data from and where to submit to, consequently because you are not connected it is prompting you this information; for a cell in each dimension. If you have not saved this info or do not know where you were pointing in the database then you should definitely ask your admin before attempting to submit anything.


Manuvedo said...

Hello. Before opening any Excel document, I was prompted by Khalix for Excel whether I wanted to open a document in regular Excel or Khalix for Excel. This option has now dissapeared and now every time I open a Khalix for Excel file through a regular Excel session, it automatically reverts to Khalix for Excel.

For information purposes: in the "Save Method" dialog box, I have unchecked the box "Don't Ask Again".

Any help would be appreciated. said...

Yah, Manuel, I've seen this several times and there is more than one way to correct it. I don't have it open in front of me and I'm not sure which version of Khalix you have, what OS, etc so will just throw some tips your way.

1) Have you tried going into Windows Explorer, finding your Excel file, right-clicking on it and saying Open With, selecting Choose Program, then selecting to open with Excel and checking the Always open with selected program radio box beneath it in the dialog?
2) There is an option within Excel that you can change/undo this setting but for the life of me today am having a hard time finding it--may be because I'm using anewer version of Excel at the moment and menus have changed a bit. In any case, in Excel a hardcore way of doing this would be to effectively remove the Khalix for Excel Add-In, open your Excel spreadsheet and then re-add the Add-In afterwards. To do this, depending on which version of Excel you are using, you need to within Excel go Tools->Macro->Visual Basic Editor->Add-Ins (in Excel 2003 there is a separate Add-In Manager menu-pick), find the Khalix for Excel add-in in there, de-select it, save, close out and then attempt to open your Excel spreadsheet normally. Then re-do this process to re-enable the Add-In afterwards.

Hopefully one of those methods should help you out. Keep in mind, if you saved your spreadsheet as a Khalix for Excel spreadsheet you may have trouble opening it in Excel and may be asked to select what you want to open it with, right? Check what the extension/ending is on the filetype--you may need to rename the file you are attempting to open to simply .xls. Also, any K4XL work/tags, etc you have in the spreadsheet will most likely stop working so may be best to make a backup before attempting fixes.
3) Alternatively, as with option #1 above you can try to re-associate a filetype. There are different ways to do this which you can probably Google but here is a link to one:

Hth and good luck.

Manuvedo said...

Hi, thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately none of these solutions worked. I have a screenshot of the prompt in question called "Khalix for Excel Launch" but I'm not sure how to upload it to this blog. Maybe I can forward it to you directly?

Thanks in advance

Mark said...

Anyone out there familiar with the way Khalix for Excel auto launches when opening a Khalix for Excel workbook? On some machines, it works this way and on others it is a manual process to launch. Is anyone familiar with where this settings is to enable all the time? Thanks in Advanced, Mark

Anonymous said...

To remove it always asking about a file as Khalix:

When you open the file, enable the macros. Then, click to Save As and there should be an option to either save as a Khalix file, or not. Choose not (obviously), and give it a new name to differentiate.

Anonymous said...

I want to use normal excel to open KFE files, so I can just see the numbers and Khalix formua as what they are when I saved them last time. I don't need the latest data in Khalix. But looks to me when Khaix detects Khalix formula in excel files, Khalix would automatically force me to open it with KFE and force me to refresh to see the latest numbers. How can I stop Khalix doing this? Can I have a choice to open a KFE file with normal excel? said...

By default, you cannot open a KFE file with normal Excel without enabling Khalix for Excel. That is because the filetype ending has been stored in your registry and will call the Excel Add-In that has been enabled in Excel.

Possible solutions are to save the KFE document as a .xls file and then try opening in normal Excel--this will probably Not provide you with any data for your Khalix cells, however--you could potentially instead see KFCELL references but it is worth a try.

Alternatively, if you need those numbers, you can ask the person who provided you with the Excel file to save it as an Excel file (users have the option to save files as KFE or normal Excel) and send it to you.

Finally, you can try disabling the KFE Add-In in VB Macros. I am not going to repeat that process but you should be able to find it mentioned in numerous other places in this Khalix for Excel blog.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I have a functioning KFE workbook that pulls data for one product. Is there a way I can pull data for two products and sum them in the same cell without running separate queries for each product and combining? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I have in issue with an add in being disabled when using KFE. I am trying to find a way to 1. Notify the user that the needed add in is disabled when it occurs. This way they will not run the entire process and trying to figure out that their data is not correct. 2. If there is a way to automatically re enable the add in if it becomes disabled. Please let me know if there are any recommended solutions. Thank you all for your time.

Unknown said...


Can you please help me to write VBA code, which allows to refresh whole workbook. I have many workbook which I have to refresh from time to time, and it can take even 2 days.

Anonymous said...

How do you use Khalix for Excel with Office 2013?